I am CMO & Partner at Karup Design, and responsible for all our marketing and e-commerce activities. All our marketing activities are 99% online, and I love the agility and elasticity it adds to our projects - we can react quickly to ideas, and implementation is less complicated.
My educational background is within sales, but I quickly became interested in the tools you can use in the digital world. So, since 2009 I have been working with digital marketing and e-commerce. The fashion and the lifestyle industry have always been the focal point.
Karup Design is a workplace with lots of wiggle room. There is a fantastic spirit and atmosphere in the office, among colleagues. It makes me happy, down to the bone, to be a part of. And it makes me extremely proud when my colleagues succeed!
I charge my recharge my batteries when I exercise. It is both running and strength training. But biggest battery charger is definitely my family.
Di . Gi . Tal